In this release:

  1. Support of JiraIssueCount function, which replaces the need to use Jira Issues macro to retrieve the number of Jira Issues. From now on you may specify JQL request as a parameter of JiraIssueCount function and it will return the number of appropriate issues. Example: JiraIssueCount(“Project = ‘Test’”)
  2. New set of functions – Engineering:
    1. BIN2DEC
    2. DEC2BIN
    3. DEC2HEX
    4. DELTA
    5. HEX2DEC
    7. IMREAL
    8. OCT2DEC
  3. New set of functions – Financial:
    1. FV
    2. IRR
    3. MIRR
    4. NPER
    5. NPV
    6. PMT
    7. PPMT
    8. PV
    9. RATE