

Function Description

issues jqlx.issuesWithAllAttachmentsCreatedAfter(string jqlQuery, datetime date [, string extension])

Returns the issues, for which all their attachments were created after the specified date.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • If the extension parameter is specified, then for each issue takes the attachments, which have one of the extensions, specified in the extension parameter. Otherwise, for each issue takes all attachments of this issue.
  • If all these attachments’ creation dates are higher than the date, specified in the date parameter, adds an issue to the result.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • date – date to be compared to the attachments’ creation dates. Example: ‘2020-01-01’;
  • [optional] extension – comma-separated list of extensions. Example: ‘jpeg, png’.

issues jqlx.issuesWithAllAttachmentsCreatedBefore(string jqlQuery, datetime date [, string extension])

Returns the issues, for which all their attachments were created before the specified date.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • If the extension parameter is specified, then for each issue takes the attachments, which have one of the extensions, specified in the extension parameter. Otherwise, for each issue takes all attachments of this issue.
  • If all these attachments’ creation dates are lower than the date, specified in the date parameter, adds an issue to the result.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • date – date to be compared to the attachments’ creation dates. Example: ‘2020-01-01’;
  • [optional] extension – comma-separated list of extensions. Example: ‘jpeg, png’.

issues jqlx.issuesWithAllAttachmentsCreatedByUser(string jqlQuery, string user [, string extension])

Returns the issues, for which all their attachments were created by the specified user.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • If the extension parameter is specified, then for each issue takes the attachments, which have one of the extensions, specified in the extension parameter. Otherwise, for each issue takes all attachments of this issue.
  • If all these attachments were created by the user, specified in the user parameter, adds an issue to the result.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • user – user login name to be compared to the attachments’ creator names. Example: ‘admin’;
  • [optional] extension – comma-separated list of extensions. Example: ‘jpeg, png’.

issues jqlx.issuesWithAllAttachmentsCreatedOnDate(string jqlQuery, datetime date [, string extension])

Returns the issues, for which all their attachments were created on the specified date.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • If the extension parameter is specified, then for each issue takes the attachments, which have one of the extensions, specified in the extension parameter. Otherwise, for each issue takes all attachments of this issue.
  • If all these attachments’ creation dates are equal to the date, specified in the date parameter, adds an issue to the result.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • date – date to be compared to the attachments’ creation dates. Example: ‘2020-01-01’;
  • [optional] extension – comma-separated list of extensions. Example: ‘jpeg, png’.

issues jqlx.issuesWithAnyAttachmentsCreatedAfter(string jqlQuery, datetime date [, string extension])

Returns the issues, for which any of their attachments were created after the specified date.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • If the extension parameter is specified, then for each issue takes the attachments, which have one of the extensions, specified in the extension parameter. Otherwise, for each issue takes all attachments of this issue.
  • If any of these attachments’ creation dates are higher than the date, specified in the date parameter, adds an issue to the result.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • date – date to be compared to the attachments’ creation dates. Example: ‘2020-01-01’;
  • [optional] extension – comma-separated list of extensions. Example: ‘jpeg, png’.

issues jqlx.issuesWithAnyAttachmentsCreatedBefore(string jqlQuery, datetime date [, string extension])

Returns the issues, for which any of their attachments were created before the specified date.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • If the extension parameter is specified, then for each issue takes the attachments, which have one of the extensions, specified in the extension parameter. Otherwise, for each issue takes all attachments of this issue.
  • If any of these attachments’ creation dates are lower than the date, specified in the date parameter, adds an issue to the result.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • date – date to be compared to the attachments’ creation dates. Example: ‘2020-01-01’;
  • [optional] extension – comma-separated list of extensions. Example: ‘jpeg, png’.

issues jqlx.issuesWithAnyAttachmentsCreatedByUser(string jqlQuery, string user [, string extension])

Returns the issues, for which any of their attachments were created by the specified user.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • If the extension parameter is specified, then for each issue takes the attachments, which have one of the extensions, specified in the extension parameter. Otherwise, for each issue takes all attachments of this issue.
  • If any of these attachments were created by the user, specified in the user parameter, adds an issue to the result.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • user – user login name to be compared to the attachments’ creator names. Example: ‘admin’;
  • [optional] extension – comma-separated list of extensions. Example: ‘jpeg, png’.

issues jqlx.issuesWithAnyAttachmentsCreatedOnDate(string jqlQuery, datetime date [, string extension])

Returns the issues, for which any of their attachments were created on the specified date.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • If the extension parameter is specified, then for each issue takes the attachments, which have one of the extensions, specified in the extension parameter. Otherwise, for each issue takes all attachments of this issue.
  • If any of these attachments’ creation dates are equal to the date, specified in the date parameter, adds an issue to the result.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • date – date to be compared to the attachments’ creation dates. Example: ‘2020-01-01’;
  • [optional] extension – comma-separated list of extensions. Example: ‘jpeg, png’.

issues jqlx.issuesWithAttachmentCountEqualTo(string jqlQuery, long count [, string extension])

Returns the issues, for which the number of attachments with specified extension is equal to the specified number.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • If the extension parameter is specified, then for each issue takes the attachments, which have one of the extensions, specified in the extension parameter. Otherwise, for each issue takes all attachments of this issue.
  • Counts the amount of such attachments and checks if this number is equal to the number, specified in the count parameter.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • count – number to be compared to the number of issues’ attachments. Example: 1;
  • [optional] extension – comma-separated list of extensions. Example: ‘jpeg, png’.

issues jqlx.issuesWithAttachmentCountGreaterThan(string jqlQuery, long count [, string extension])

Returns the issues, for which the number of attachments with specified extension is greater than the specified number.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • If the extension parameter is specified, then for each issue takes the attachments, which have one of the extensions, specified in the extension parameter. Otherwise, for each issue takes all attachments of this issue.
  • Counts the amount of such attachments and checks if this number is greater than the number, specified in the count parameter.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • count – number to be compared to the number of issues’ attachments. Example: 1;
  • [optional] extension – comma-separated list of extensions. Example: ‘jpeg, png’.

issues jqlx.issuesWithAttachmentCountLessThan(string jqlQuery, long count [, string extension])

Returns the issues, for which the number of attachments with specified extension is less than the specified number.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • If the extension parameter is specified, then for each issue takes the attachments, which have one of the extensions, specified in the extension parameter. Otherwise, for each issue takes all attachments of this issue.
  • Counts the amount of such attachments and checks if this number is smaller than the number, specified in the count parameter.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • count – number to be compared to the number of issues’ attachments. Example: 1;
  • [optional] extension – comma-separated list of extensions. Example: ‘jpeg, png’.


Function Description

issues jqlx.issuesWithAllCommentsCreatedAfter(string jqlQuery, datetime date)

Returns the issues, for which all their comments were created after the specified date.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue takes the comments of this issue.
  • If all these comments’ creation dates are higher than the date, specified in the date parameter, adds an issue to the result.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • date – date to be compared to the attachments’ creation dates. Example: ‘2020-01-01’.

issues jqlx.issuesWithAllCommentsCreatedBefore(string jqlQuery, datetime date)

Returns the issues, for which all their comments were created before the specified date.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue takes the comments of this issue.
  • If all these comments’ creation dates are lower than the date, specified in the date parameter, adds an issue to the result.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • date – date to be compared to the attachments’ creation dates. Example: ‘2020-01-01’.

issues jqlx.issuesWithAllCommentsCreatedByUser(string jqlQuery, string user)

Retu Returns the issues, for which all their comments were created by the specified user.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue takes the comments of this issue.
  • If all these comments were created by the user, specified in the user parameter, adds an issue to the result.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • user – user login name to be compared to the comments’ creator names. Example: ‘admin’.

issues jqlx.issuesWithAllCommentsCreatedOnDate(string jqlQuery, datetime date)

Returns the issues, for which all their comments were created right at the specified date.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue takes the comments of this issue.
  • If all these comments’ creation dates are equal to the date, specified in the date parameter, adds an issue to the result.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • date – date to be compared to the attachments’ creation dates. Example: ‘2020-01-01’.

issues jqlx.issuesWithAnyCommentsCreatedAfter(string jqlQuery, datetime date)

Returns the issues, for which any of their comments were created after the specified date.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue takes the comments of this issue.
  • If any of these comments’ creation dates are higher than the date, specified in the date parameter, adds an issue to the result.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • date – date to be compared to the attachments’ creation dates. Example: ‘2020-01-01’.

issues jqlx.issuesWithAnyCommentsCreatedBefore(string jqlQuery, datetime date)

Returns the issues, for which any of their comments were created before the specified date.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue takes the comments of this issue.
  • If any of these comments’ creation dates are lower than the date, specified in the date parameter, adds an issue to the result.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • date – date to be compared to the attachments’ creation dates. Example: ‘2020-01-01’.

issues jqlx.issuesWithAnyCommentsCreatedByUser(string jqlQuery, string user)

Returns the issues, for which any of their comments were created by the specified user.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue takes the comments of this issue.
  • If any of these comments were created by the user, specified in the user parameter, adds an issue to the result.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • user – date to be compared to the comments’ creation dates. Example: ‘2020-01-01’.

issues jqlx.issuesWithAnyCommentsCreatedOnDate(string jqlQuery, datetime date)

Returns the issues, for which any of their comments were created right at the specified date.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue takes the comments of this issue.
  • If any of these comments’ creation dates are equal to the date, specified in the date parameter, adds an issue to the result.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • date – date to be compared to the attachments’ creation dates. Example: ‘2020-01-01’.

issues jqlx.issuesWithCommentCountEqualTo(string jqlQuery, long count)

Returns the issues, for which the number of comments is equal to the specified number.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue takes the comments of this issue.
  • Counts the amount of these comments and checks if this number is equal to the number, specified in the count parameter.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • count – number to be compared to the number of issues’ attachments. Example: 1.

issues jqlx.issuesWithCommentCountGreaterThan(string jqlQuery, long count)

Returns the issues, for which the number of comments is higher than the specified number.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue takes the comments of this issue.
  • Counts the amount of these comments and checks if this number is higher than the number, specified in the count parameter.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • count – number to be compared to the number of issues’ attachments. Example: 1.

issues jqlx.issuesWithCommentCountLessThan(string jqlQuery, long count)

Returns the issues, for which the number of comments is lower than the specified number.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue takes the comments of this issue.
  • Counts the amount of these comments and checks if this number is lower than the number, specified in the count parameter.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • count – number to be compared to the number of issues’ attachments. Example: 1.

Date and Time

Function Description

datetime year [, long month, long day])

Returns the datetime value for the specified year, month and day of month.

How it works:

  • This function just converts specified parameters into a datetime value. Hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds are set to zeroes.


  • year – a year value. Example: ‘2020’;
  • [optional] month – a 1-based month number. If not specified, 1 (January) is taken. Example: 1;
  • [optional] day – a 1-based day of month. If not specified, 1 is taken. Example: 1.

datetime jqlx.endOfHalfYear([datetime date])

Returns the datetime value for the last day of the half year of the specified date.

How it works:

  • If date parameter is specified, takes this date. Otherwise takes current date.
  • Calculates the last month and the day of month of the half year, containing this date.
  • Initializes the returned value with the year of the specified date, calculated month and day of month. Hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds are set to zeroes.


  • [optional] date – a date, which should be inside the found period. If not specified, current date is taken. Example: “2020-01-01”.

datetime jqlx.endOfQuarter([datetime date])

Returns the datetime value for the last day of the quarter of the specified date.

How it works:

  • If date parameter is specified, takes this date. Otherwise takes current date.
  • Calculates the last month and the day of month of the quarter, containing this date.
  • Initializes the returned value with the year of the specified date, calculated month and day of month. Hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds are set to zeroes.


  • [optional] date – a date, which should be inside the found period. If not specified, current date is taken. Example: “2020-01-01”.

datetime jqlx.startOfHalfYear([datetime date])

Returns the datetime value for the first day of the half year of the specified date.

How it works:

  • If date parameter is specified, takes this date. Otherwise takes current date.
  • Calculates the first month and the day of month of the half year, containing this date.
  • Initializes the returned value with the year of the specified date, calculated month and day of month. Hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds are set to zeroes.


  • [optional] date – a date, which should be inside the found period. If not specified, current date is taken. Example: “2020-01-01”.

datetime jqlx.startOfQuarter([datetime date])

Returns the datetime value for the first day of the quarter of the specified date.

How it works:

  • If date parameter is specified, takes this date. Otherwise takes current date.
  • Calculates the first month and the day of month of the quarter, containing this date.
  • Initializes the returned value with the year of the specified date, calculated month and day of month. Hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds are set to zeroes.


  • [optional] date – a date, which should be inside the found period. If not specified, current date is taken. Example: “2020-01-01”.

Issue Fields

Function Description

issues jqlx.issuesWithDuplicateFieldValues(string jqlQuery, string fieldId [, boolean ignoreCase])

Returns all issues with duplicate values of the specified field. The issues, where specified field is absent, are ignored.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue reads the specified field value and counts the numbers of similar fields' values using this value.
  • Returns the issues which have field value with at least two occurrences among this and other issues.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’.
  • fieldId – an identified of the field to take values from. Example: ‘assignee’, ‘created’. You may read about how to determine field ID here.
  • [optional] ignoreCase – a flag, which specifies, whether comparisons should be case sensitive or not. If not specified, case is ignored.

issues jqlx.issuesWithFieldValueEqualTo(string jqlQuery, string fieldId, string valueToCompare [, boolean ignoreCase])

Returns all issues with specified field value equal to the specified value.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue reads the specified field value and compares it to the valueToCompare parameter value.
  • Returns the issues which have field values, equal to the specified one.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’.
  • fieldId – an identified of the field to take values from. Example: ‘assignee’, ‘created’. You may read about how to determine field ID here.
  • valueToCompare – a value to compare field values to. Example: ‘admin’, ‘2020-09-15 00:00’.
  • [optional] ignoreCase – a flag, which specifies, whether comparisons should be case sensitive or not. If not specified, case is ignored.

issues jqlx.issuesWithFieldValueNotEqualTo(string jqlQuery, string fieldId, string valueToCompare [, boolean ignoreCase])

Returns all issues with specified field value not equal to the specified value.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue reads the specified field value and compares it to the valueToCompare parameter value.
  • Returns the issues which have field values, not equal to the specified one.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’.
  • fieldId – an identified of the field to take values from. Example: ‘assignee’, ‘created’. You may read about how to determine field ID here.
  • valueToCompare – a value to compare field values to. Example: ‘admin’, ‘2020-09-15 00:00’.
  • [optional] ignoreCase – a flag, which specifies, whether comparisons should be case sensitive or not. If not specified, case is ignored.

issues jqlx.issuesWithUniqueFieldValues(string jqlQuery, string fieldId [, boolean ignoreCase])

Returns all issues with unique values of the specified field. The issues, where specified field is absent, are ignored.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue reads the specified field value and counts the numbers of similar fields' values using this value.
  • Returns the issues which have field value with only one occurrence among this and other issues.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’.
  • fieldId – an identified of the field to take values from. Example: ‘assignee’, ‘created’. You may read about how to determine field ID here.
  • [optional] ignoreCase – a flag, which specifies, whether comparisons should be case sensitive or not. If not specified, case is ignored.
Function Description

issues jqlx.blockersOf(string jqlQuery)

Returns blockers for the issues conforming to the specified JQL query.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue takes all linked issues and takes such of them, which are linked with ‘blocks’ link type.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’.

issues jqlx.clonesOf(string jqlQuery)

Returns clones for the issues conforming to the specified JQL query.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue takes all linked issues and takes such of them, which are linked with ‘clones’ link type.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’.

issues jqlx.duplicatesOf(string jqlQuery)

Returns duplicates for the issues conforming to the specified JQL query.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue takes all linked issues and takes such of them, which are linked with ‘duplicates’ link type.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’.

issues jqlx.epicsOf(string jqlQuery)

Returns epics for the issues conforming to the specified JQL query.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue takes all linked issues and takes such of them, which are linked with ‘epic of’ link type.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’.

issues jqlx.issuesWithLinkCountEqualTo(string jqlQuery, long count [, string linkTypes])

Returns all issues having equal number of links of specified type to the specified amount

Returns all the issues conforming to the specified JQL query, which have the same number of links as specified.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • If the linkTypes parameter is specified, then for each issue takes the links of the types, specified in the linkTypes parameter. If this parameter is not specified, takes all the links of this issue.
  • Counts the amount of these links and checks if this number is equal to the number, specified in the count parameter.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • count – number to be compared to the number of issues’ links. Example: 1;
  • [optional] linkTypes – comma-separated list of link types. Example: ‘blocks, duplicates’.

issues jqlx.issuesWithLinkCountGreaterThan(string jqlQuery, long count [, string linkTypes])

Returns all the issues conforming to the specified JQL query, which have bigger number of links than specified.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • If the linkTypes parameter is specified, then for each issue takes the links of the types, specified in the linkTypes parameter. If this parameter is not specified, takes all the links of this issue.
  • Counts the amount of these links and checks if this number is bigger than the number, specified in the count parameter.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • count – number to be compared to the number of issues’ links. Example: 1;
  • [optional] linkTypes – comma-separated list of link types. Example: ‘blocks, duplicates’.

issues jqlx.issuesWithLinkCountLessThan(string jqlQuery, long count [, string linkTypes])

Returns all the issues conforming to the specified JQL query, which have smaller number of links than specified.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • If the linkTypes parameter is specified, then for each issue takes the links of the types, specified in the linkTypes parameter. If this parameter is not specified, takes all the links of this issue.
  • Counts the amount of these links and checks if this number is smaller than the number, specified in the count parameter.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • count – number to be compared to the number of issues’ links. Example: 1;
  • [optional] linkTypes – comma-separated list of link types. Example: ‘blocks, duplicates’.

issues jqlx.issuesWithLinksOfTypes(string jqlQuery, string linkTypes)

Returns all the issues conforming to the specified JQL query, which have at least one link of the specified types.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue checks if it contains at least one link of the types, specified in linkTypes parameter. If it does, adds this issue to the result.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • [optional] linkTypes – comma-separated list of link types. Example: ‘blocks, duplicates’.

issues jqlx.linkedIssues(string jqlQuery [, string linkTypes[, string linkFields]])

Returns all the linked issues for the issues conforming to the specified JQL query, taking into account link types.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • If the linkTypes parameter is specified, then for each issue takes all issues, linked with one of the link types, specified in the linkTypes parameter of specified linkField and adds it to the result. If this parameter is not specified, adds all linked issues to the result.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • [optional] linkTypes – comma-separated list of link types. Example: ‘blocks, duplicates’. Either inward, outward descriptions, or link names may be specified
  • [optional] linkFields – link field to be checked, one of the following: “Inward”, “Outward”, “Name” or “Any”. Specify this parameter if only one of the field types should be checked, for example for the case when link name and inward description are the same. If this parameter is not specified, any field is taken.


Function Description

issues jqlx.issuesWithAllSubTasksCreatedAfter(string jqlQuery, datetime date)

Returns the issues, for which all their subtasks were created after the specified date.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue takes the subtasks of this issue.
  • If all these subtasks’ creation dates are higher than the date, specified in the date parameter, adds an issue to the result.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • date – date to be compared to the attachments’ creation dates. Example: ‘2020-01-01’.

issues jqlx.issuesWithAllSubTasksCreatedBefore(string jqlQuery, datetime date)

Returns the issues, for which all their subtasks were created before the specified date.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue takes the subtasks of this issue.
  • If all these subtasks’ creation dates are lower than the date, specified in the date parameter, adds an issue to the result.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • date – date to be compared to the attachments’ creation dates. Example: ‘2020-01-01’.

issues jqlx.issuesWithAllSubTasksCreatedByUser(string jqlQuery, string user)

Retu Returns the issues, for which all their subtasks were created by the specified user.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue takes the subtasks of this issue.
  • If all these subtasks were created by the user, specified in the user parameter, adds an issue to the result.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • user – user login name to be compared to the subtasks’ creator names. Example: ‘admin’.

issues jqlx.issuesWithAllSubTasksCreatedOnDate(string jqlQuery, datetime date)

Returns the issues, for which all their subtasks were created right at the specified date.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue takes the subtasks of this issue.
  • If all these subtasks’ creation dates are equal to the date, specified in the date parameter, adds an issue to the result.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • date – date to be compared to the attachments’ creation dates. Example: ‘2020-01-01’.

issues jqlx.issuesWithAnySubTasksCreatedAfter(string jqlQuery, datetime date)

Returns the issues, for which any of their subtasks were created after the specified date.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue takes the subtasks of this issue.
  • If any of these subtasks’ creation dates are higher than the date, specified in the date parameter, adds an issue to the result.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • date – date to be compared to the attachments’ creation dates. Example: ‘2020-01-01’.

issues jqlx.issuesWithAnySubTasksCreatedBefore(string jqlQuery, datetime date)

Returns the issues, for which any of their subtasks were created before the specified date.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue takes the subtasks of this issue.
  • If any of these subtasks’ creation dates are lower than the date, specified in the date parameter, adds an issue to the result.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • date – date to be compared to the attachments’ creation dates. Example: ‘2020-01-01’.

issues jqlx.issuesWithAnySubTasksCreatedByUser(string jqlQuery, string user)

Returns the issues, for which any of their subtasks were created by the specified user.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue takes the subtasks of this issue.
  • If any of these subtasks were created by the user, specified in the user parameter, adds an issue to the result.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • user – date to be compared to the subtasks’ creation dates. Example: ‘2020-01-01’.

issues jqlx.issuesWithAnySubTasksCreatedOnDate(string jqlQuery, datetime date)

Returns the issues, for which any of their subtasks were created right at the specified date.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue takes the subtasks of this issue.
  • If any of these subtasks’ creation dates are equal to the date, specified in the date parameter, adds an issue to the result.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • date – date to be compared to the attachments’ creation dates. Example: ‘2020-01-01’.

issues jqlx.issuesWithSubTaskCountEqualTo(string jqlQuery, long count)

Returns the issues, for which the number of subtasks is equal to the specified number.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue takes the subtasks of this issue.
  • Counts the amount of these subtasks and checks if this number is equal to the number, specified in the count parameter.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • count – number to be compared to the number of issues’ attachments. Example: 1.

issues jqlx.issuesWithSubTaskCountGreaterThan(string jqlQuery, long count)

Returns the issues, for which the number of subtasks is higher than the specified number.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue takes the subtasks of this issue.
  • Counts the amount of these subtasks and checks if this number is higher than the number, specified in the count parameter.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • count – number to be compared to the number of issues’ attachments. Example: 1.

issues jqlx.issuesWithSubTaskCountLessThan(string jqlQuery, long count)

Returns the issues, for which the number of subtasks is lower than the specified number.

How it works:

  • Takes issues conforming to the JQL query, specified in the jqlQuery parameter.
  • For each issue takes the subtasks of this issue.
  • Counts the amount of these subtasks and checks if this number is lower than the number, specified in the count parameter.


  • jqlQuery – query to select an initial set of issues. Example: ‘Project=TST’;
  • count – number to be compared to the number of issues’ attachments. Example: 1.

Note: If you need to add any other function or operand, feel free to contact our support team.